At the heart of the floating continent of Nebuta, is a formidable force led by Emperor Kairos Seiryu, known as the “Emperor of a Thousand Souls.” Esteemed for their advanced magitech and strict control over magic, the empire stands as a beacon of power, technology, and authority. Blue, the royal family’s color, symbolizes their divine right to rule and is a recurring motif throughout their capital, Azura, and their military and technological displays.
The empire is characterized by its ambition to unify Nebuta under its rule, driven by a belief in peace through domination. It controls the distribution of magical crystals, essential to their magitech, limiting access to magic to the nobility and military, while natural magic users are persecuted, deemed a threat to the established order.
The Zaihō Empire is a place of contrasts—between breathtaking technological advancements and the dark underbelly of its authoritarian regime. Its leadership, particularly the imperial family, embodies the empire’s complexities: from Kairos’s godlike presence and his children, each carving their own path within the empire’s rigid hierarchies, to the revered and feared Arcanist arts, central to the empire’s power but forbidden to all but the emperor and his kin. Through its conquests, innovations, and the firm grip of its ruler, the Zaihō Empire casts a long shadow over Nebuta, its ambitions and internal dynamics setting the stage for tales of resistance, intrigue, and the quest for a peace that doesn’t come at the blade of a sword.