A quick summary of our world as designed by the group: Our adventure takes place in a land called Nebuta. Nebuta is a is a cold and singular continent roughly the size of Alaska. The land is surrounded by intense thunderstorms on all sides. In fact the edges of the content are somewhat within the storms. At night the storms creep a signifacnt way inland making night time travel dangerous. Only at the very center of Nebuta is an area untouched by storms. As far as anyone living now knows, there is nothing beyond the storms and no way to traverse through them. Our setting is low fantasy, with a generally medieval vibe. However there are remnants of a highly advanced technological society that came before and collapsed. Some people have tried to recover and repurpose their technology, which is found abundently below ground. What happened to the prior civilization and what’s beyond the storms are the primary mysteries our group seeks to discover. There are currently four nations that exist on Nebuta. The Zaiho Empire is located in the center of the continent. It’s ruled by a god emperor said to posses the ability to summon thousands souls. They highly restrict magic use to the noble and military class, with only the royal family themselves allowed to wield Arcamiums (summons). Zaiho is our antagonist nation seeking to conquer all others. Two great lakes exist on Nebuta. One lake is surrounded by Curico a South American inspired nation that is excavating the lake to recover technology. The other is home to Bridgmonte a Venice inspired fishing and trading city. Both cities have a defensive alliance against Zaiho. Zaiho has been particularly aggressive against Curico lately. Lasty, there are the Storm Nomads, a loose nation of tribes that live on the outer edges of the continent and constantly move following the storm patterns.
Magic works by channeling the stream of souls (think lifestream from FF7). The stream of souls manifests in the world in the form of natural phenomenon and weather events or as arcanum. Some people called Storm-touched gain the ability to wield magic through exposure to the storms. The non-storm touched wield magic through the use of crystals, which can be imbued with souls and must be charged in sunlight.
Our group selected the “seekers” archytype from the rulebook. As such they are part of a small society of explorers seeking to discover a way past the storm, called Kaze No Shoten. The society’s foudner is Master Toru an elderly Zaiho ex-patriot and explorer famous for his prior adventures and writing the book “An Adventurer’s Gudie to The World.” Now too old to explore on his own he’s recruited the player charatcers to help with his life long goal to explore beyond the storm. Our player charatcer so far are Sayan Arulaq (orator/chiemrist), Diego di Porto (Weaponmaster/Guardian/Fury), and Cisca (Arcansit/Rouge). You will be part of this society. I recommend you read up through the character creation portion of the rulebook. Each nation and character has a thread in discord I will add you that you can read through. You are invited to create a nation of your own that we will work into the world. Please create a character in advance, and when it’s more or less done we’ll discuss bonds and your character’s relationship to everyone else.